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Thank you to all of you who supported my campaign.

I am deeply honored by your vote and the confidence you placed in me.  Unfortunately, the election results did not turn out the way we would have liked.  Out of a field of 32 candidates, I placed 16th.  The top nine were elected to the Central Committee.  The fight must go on, and all Republicans must work together to move our policy agenda forward, both locally and in Sacramento.    The not-yet-certified results of the election can be found at or directly at:



We must continue to message the voters that our policies are sound and just, and best for the state.  We must also encourage conservatives to engage in the civic process by speaking at local city council meetings and emailing our leaders at all levels of government.  One such group that is supporting local actions is the San Diego North County Neighbors' Alliance.  Please follow their website -


If you would like to contact me, please feel free to do so via the portal at the bottom of this webpage.


Best regards,

Richard Newton

March 22, 2024

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Richard Newton for Republican Central Committee District 5

Focused on Republican Victory

As a lifelong California Republican. I am dismayed with the performance of our Party. We need new strategies to win and save California from the lunacy of the Democrat Party.


Please vote for me on your March 2024 ballot.

What is Central Committee?

The Central Committee is the heart and soul of the San Diego GOP.  Committee members are elected by Republican voters, and are the voters' representatives to the Party.  They endorse candidates, affect by-laws and determine the actions of the Republican Party.  It is in this role that they determine the success or failure of our candidates and platform.


The Democrat Party has declared war on America.  It attacks our border, our Constitution, our laws, and the family unit.  They advocate crazy policies such as giving money to illegal aliens, to forcing a  child's gender change against parents' wishes, to blurring the definition of a woman.  Sadly, this list could be much longer.  Then they indoctrinate our children - that is, America's next generation of voters and leaders - through local school boards they control.  


How are we losing to that Incredibly, we are.


Our platform is superior - we stand for economic and personal freedom, property rights, lower taxes and responsible government spending, enforcement of laws, national security and secure borders to name just a few.


We are losing because current Republican leaders are not defending Republicanism.  It is time for a change in strategies and/or leadership.


As a practical note the March 5th ballot lists 34 candidates running for nine available seats.

The State of our Party

In San Diego County we Republicans hold:

  • Only two out of five County Supervisor seats

  • Only two out of five State Senate seats

  • Only two out of seven State Assembly seats



  • We have not won a Governor's race since 2006

  • We hold less than 20% of the State Legislature.


Republicans in California have no power, and short of begging, no influence.


I advocate the following Republican Party reforms:

1.  We need a well defined party platform.

Personal freedom, responsible government spending, property rights, lower taxes, national security, secure borders, enforcement of laws, and the importance of the nuclear family.


2. We need a leader with a mission.

When General Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed as the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe during World War II, his directive from the Combined Chiefs of Staff was simple and concise: “You will enter the continent of Europe and, in conjunction with other United Nations, undertake operations aimed at the heart of Germany and the destruction of her forces…” 


The directive to our party leaders needs to be the political analog: “You will enter the arena of politics and undertake operations to destroy the political hegemony of the Democrat Party.”  The Democrat platform is toxic to America.  There is no room for compromise.  We must fight them.


With a clear directive, we can set a clear standard and replace leaders who fail.



It follows from this that we need military style discipline and cohesion. ALL Republican candidates must align with the party platform objectives.  One reason we keep failing legislatively is that we allow the individual values of our legislators to split our vote and hand the Democrats victory.  This must change.


4. We need to unify behind the Endorsed Candidate.

We must stop splitting our votes between competing Republican candidates.  In the future, once a candidate has been endorsed by the Party, any Republicans who run against the Endorsed Candidate need to be banished and publicly ostracized by the Party and in official Republican voter guides.


5. We need to prohibit early endorsements.

We also need a moratorium on premature Party endorsements, meaning many months before the candidate filing period even opens. This will provide a fairer platform for all of our candidates and help prevent insider backroom deals. The goal is to provide a fair and transparent endorsement process without favor or bias.  Truth and the best ideas tend to rise to the top if all voices and ideas heard, but the time to have this debate is during candidate selection, not during an election, especially in California with its "jungle primary" rules. 


6. We need better messaging to Voters.

In business, companies compete for market share.  Each company has its own brand reputation and a line of products underneath that brand.  Inferior products can sometimes dominate market share because of consumers' brand name preferences.


In politics, we also have two brands: Republican and Democrat. Our “products” are the ideas we offer to voters, and we Republicans have superior products.  We are losing elections and electoral power because we have failed to defend our brand and neglected to attack the Democrat brand.  The battle must first be fought over brand loyalty before it can be fought over ideas and policies.


Democrats have falsely promoted their brand as compassionate, sincere and caring.  They have falsely yet successfully framed Republicans as heartless and greedy corporate shills who abuse and maim in the name of profit. 


Democrats win on brand name recognition. But that brand image is built on lies and ultimately causes harm, especially those they profess to be helping. We must challenge their brand and break the blind loyalty of their followers.  Only then will those voters consider the merits of our ideas.


7. ***** We need a RINO filter *****


a.  A full decade of Republican membership

I believe Democrats have infiltrated the media, big tech, legal system, public education, universities, corporations and other entities.  So what other institution might they want to infiltrate?  How about the Republican Party itself?  I used to believe that "RINOs" were simply weak Republicans. Some are, but I now conclude that many are Democrat operatives who have simply re-registered as Republicans and run as our candidates.


The fix:  Anyone who was a former Democrat or contributed to a Democrat's campaign is barred from running as an endorsed Republican candidate for a full decade.




b.  We need stop selling out

We must stop endorsing a candidate simply because he or she can self-fund a campaign.  That is the wrong criteria for many reasons, but chief among them is that Democrats have deeper pockets and could install a candidate with hidden Democrat tendencies.


The fix is simple - stop the practice.


c. Adherence to the platform

Our platform belongs to us - the Republican voters.  When we elect someone they represent us and our values.  That means we hold them to our platform.  Most legislative votes are along party lines and divided by deep philosophical differences.  Elected representatives are merely cogs in a wheel, and that wheel is ours - the Republican Party's rank-and-file platform. 


The fix:  Republican legislators who cross-vote frequently or on crucial legislation need to be ousted.


7. We need Central Committee reforms.  Members should...

  • Be the communications conduit between voters and the Party.  Do you even know who your current Central Committee members are?

  • Hold our leaders to the task of advancing our platform and winning elections.  Those who fail must be willing to change strategies or be replaced.  We need success, nothing less.

  • Endorse leaders who will actually defend Republicanism and attack the Democrat brand.  Not only bad Democrat ideas, but the Democrat Party and its members.

  • Market our message to moderate Democrats and Independents.  We cannot win elections without these voters.


These are  a few of the recommendations I would put forward if elected to the Central Committee. I would appreciate your vote on the March 5th ballot. Thank you for your consideration.



 Know what I stand for in a few short videos...

  Comments before the Oceanside City Council:


Fighting for an Opt-Out and privacy

November 2021.  Fighting the Water Utilities Department, I asked the Council to create an Opt-Out choice from the City's smartmeters that report hourly data on water consumption activity inside your own home.


Persistence. Still fighting for an Opt-Out for all residents.

January 2023. City government moves slowly. Still fighting. I eventually succeeded! Oceanside residents can now choose to  Opt-Out from the city's hourly reporting device.


Taking Democrat Eric Joyce to task for defending illegal immigrants

May 2023.  I take Democrat Councilmember Eric Joyce to task for his comments regarding illegal immigration  and hold him to his oath to our great country.


Asking the Council to honor our veterans for a month

June 2023.  Mayor Sanchez finally does something right! She acknowledged that veterans should get at least the respect that her beloved LGBTQ+  community gets. I'd like to think that my pre-scheduled criticism of ignoring  our veterans had something to do with it. Let's see if she keeps her word in 2024.


Fighting against porn in schools.

April 2023. I led the line-up as nine of us challenged the indifferent Oceanside School Board and its policy of porn in school libraries. The Council remained silent and failed to do anything or even criticize porn in schools.   Fellow Central Committee candidates  Rosie Higuera and Susan Custer also spoke on this issue.

51 acres.JPG

Challenging Oceanside's 51 acre give-away

June 2023. I and others challenge the city for giving 51 acres of prime real estate away to a developer... for free!  The city  even had to cough up $20,000 in escrow fees. What a loss to the city. This topic was also discussed at previous meetings to no avail.

Comments to Oceanside Unified School Board


Advocating for students' financial futures while attacking the woke snivel-fest of the Left

January 2023.  Suggest that the School Board allocate resources for a course in Financial Literacy instead of social engineering.  The three Republicans on the Board did nothing except sit there.


Focus on making students' financial lives better

February  2023. Those on the Left were there in force to defend sexually explicit library books.  We conservatives said to focus on academic and other priorities.  The three Republicans on the OUSD never once criticized the books.


Challeging the Board

March 2023. Fellow Central Committee candidate Beth Barnum challenges mandatory HPV vaccines in school.  I follow up by challenging inappropriate material in libraries.


Challenging Board apathy and indifference to duty

April 2023.  I call out the Board's bias and the "rubber stamp" mentality of board members.  Our three "Republicans" on the Board are worthless.


Meet other candidates on the slate

There are nine Central Committee positions to fill.  Here are seven conservative  candidates to vote for and support.

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